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Turnarounds to Transfer

© 2006. J. Eddy

Transfer tasks are the most important assessments the learner will need.

Stop the crisis of the predictable:

Plan for the inevitable unexpected.

Using a language appropriately in a given culture requires:

High adaptability

Tolerance of ambiguity

Flexibility in new situations

Dealing with incomplete information

Problem solving without cues

Design for Transfer



Every authentic communication transaction is proof of transfer

and proof you need transfer.


Transfer world language backward design
Backward Design World Language Eddy

Stop the crisis of the predictable:

Plan for the inevitable unexpected.

Three Modes of Communication and the World Readiness Standards

ACTFL. (2014). World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages . Alexandria:VA (Original work published 1996)/2012.

Glisan, E. W., Adair-Hauck, B., Koda, K., Sandrock, S. P., & Swender, E. (2003). ACTFL integrated performance assessment. Yonkers, NY: ACTFL.


Mc Tighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2005) Understanding by Design (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. (Original work published 2001)

Go beyond the Modes and design for Transfer
Turnaround a Task you already have and move it to Transfer

Stop the crisis of the predictable:

Plan for the inevitable unexpected.



Teacher materials


Professional Development

Curriculum Projects



T: 914-525-4341

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Copyright ©.Eddy, J. 2006-2022.

Dr. Jennifer Eddy

World Languages for Performance, LLC

New York

All Rights Reserved.




© Please cite, credit, and reference my work where these concepts came from. Materials, quotes, statements, videos, slides, information and concepts in whole or in part, linked documents or materials found elsewhere may not be copied, adapted, or used without citation or reference to this work and written permission from Dr. Jennifer Eddy or WLP, LLC.
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