Design for Performance to Proficiency.
Assess for Transfer.
Create for Intercultural Competence.
At World Language Education, we believe curriculum should be designed for learners to use language flexibly and securely in new contexts and situations. Our students need to solve problems and create products that have value beyond the classroom, with the goal of Intercultural Communicative Competence.
We provide professional development, conferences and curriculum materials to school districts, state departments of education and independent schools, colleges and universities worldwide.
Unfolding Curriculum
Uncovering Cultures
Designing Articulated World Language Curriculum for Intercultural Competence
Qualified Administrator (QA) of the Intercultural Development Inventory®
(IDI®) IDI, LLC., and the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory® ICS® which are both
registered trademarks of Mitchell R. Hammer,Ph.D. https://idiinventory.com/