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Turnarounds for Transfer

Curriculum and Assessment Design. Program Review. Seminars.   Results.

Professional Development
Curriculum and
Webinars, Keynotes and Materials

Do you need Professional Development at your school, district, or university?


Whether you need one or two days or a week, your PD, institute or in-service will be tailored to the needs of your program and instructors.

Qualified Administrator (QA) of the Intercultural Development Inventory®

(IDI®) IDI, LLC., and the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory® ICS® which are both

registered trademarks of Mitchell R. Hammer,Ph.D.


Do you need guidance and consulting on Curriculum and Assessment design?


Let's talk about your goals for an articulated, world language program.  Your teachers will receive experienced, hands-on training of performance based assessment tasks for Transfer and curriculum design for Intercultural Competence.

Do you want training at your own pace or a webinar designed for your institution?


Please check the online store for a variety of webinars or materials. If you need a webinar or keynote for a state or local initiative, please inquire by phone or email.



Teacher materials


Professional Development

Curriculum Projects



T: 914-525-4341

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Copyright ©.Eddy, J. 2006-2022.

Dr. Jennifer Eddy

World Languages for Performance, LLC

New York

All Rights Reserved.




© Please cite, credit, and reference my work where these concepts came from. Materials, quotes, statements, videos, slides, information and concepts in whole or in part, linked documents or materials found elsewhere may not be copied, adapted, or used without citation or reference to this work and written permission from Dr. Jennifer Eddy or WLP, LLC.
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