The conceptual framework, ideas, examples, slides and materials on this website by Dr. Eddy have appeared in her publications, as well as in her many presentations on Backward Design/UbD/Transfer at regional and national conferences for World Language Education since 2004. This application of Backward Design to World Languages has informed the profession and have been adopted and adapted for use in other publications, materials, websites, and presentations.
Please cite, credit, and make reference to Dr. Eddy's work in print, powerpoint, websites, conference presentations, literature reviews, webinars, videos, and in any publication.
Three Modes of Communication and the World Readiness Standards
ACTFL. (2014). World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages . Alexandria:VA (Original work published 1996)/2012.
Glisan, E. W., Adair-Hauck, B., Koda, K., Sandrock, S. P., & Swender, E. (2003). ACTFL integrated performance assessment. Yonkers, NY: ACTFL.
Transfer and UbD
Mc Tighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2005) Understanding by Design (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. (Original work published 2001)
UbD Understanding by Design Backward Design Performance Assessment World Languages
Eddy, J. & Bustamante, M. C. (2020) Closing the Pre and In-Service Gap: Perceptions and Implementation of the IPA During Student Teaching. Foreign Language Annals. 53(3), 634-656.
Eddy, J. (2020). Closing the Gap in NYS: A Study of Perceptions, Practices, and Professional Development for World Language Teachers. NYSAFLT Journal. 69, (1), 35-75.
Eddy, J. (2019). Preparing Teachers of Critical Languages for Articulated Performance Assessment Task Design. Journal of the National Council on Less Commonly Taught Languages, 25 (1).
Eddy, J. (2017). Unpacking the Standards for Transfer: Intercultural Competence by Design. In Rebecca Fox (Ed.) Special Volume on Intercultural Competence for Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. NECTFL Review, 79 (1), 53-72.
Eddy, J. (2017). Student Learning Outcomes and Backward Design. National Foreign Language Center. TED-Ed Webinar. October.
Eddy, J. (2017, February) Integrating the Standards: Curriculum Design Advancing Intercultural Competence and Transfer. Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. NY
Eddy, J. (2016, November) Uncovering Curriculum: Designing for Intercultural Competence and Transfer. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Boston.
Eddy, J. (2015, October) Curriculum Design with Culture at the Core. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association. Sturbridge.
Eddy, J. (2015, October) Unfolding Curriculum with Backward Design. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association. Sturbridge.
Eddy, J. (2015, October) Design beyond the Modes: Performance to Proficiency with IPAs for Transfer. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association. Sturbridge.
Eddy, J. (2015) Uncovering Curriculum: Language performance through culture by design. Journal of the National Council on Less Commonly Taught Languages, 17 (1), 1-22.
Eddy, J. (2014) Turnarounds to Transfer: Design beyond the Modes. Learning Languages, 19 (2).
Eddy, J. (2012) Assessment down PAT: Planning for Performance and Transfer. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Eddy, J. (2010). Planning for Assessment with Backward Design. MaFLA Newsletter. VOL. XXXII, NO. 4.
Eddy, J. (2009, November) Unpacking the Standards with Backward Design: Performance Assessment and Transfer. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. San Diego, CA.
Eddy, J. (2009, May) Developing Teacher Expertise in Backward Design and Performance Assessment. Sixth International Conference on Language Teacher Education. Georgetown University, George Washington University and the Center for Applied Linguistics. Washington, DC.
Eddy, J. (2009) Unpacking the Standards: Unpacking the Standards: Curriculum and Assessment Design for Performance. Cape Cod Collaborative, Cape Cod Community College, Hyannis, MA.
Eddy, J. (2009) Theme and Variation: Composing thematic units by design. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association, Sturbridge.
Eddy, J. (2009) Assessment down PAT: Performance Assessment and Transfer. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association, Sturbridge.
Couet, R., Duncan, G., Eddy, J., Met, M., Smith, M., Still, M., & Tollefson, A. (2008). Starting with the End in Mind: Planning and Evaluating Highly Successful Foreign Language Programs. Pearson Education
Couet, R., Duncan, G., Eddy, J., Met, M., Smith, M., Still, M., & Tollefson, A. (2008). Planning and Evaluating Language Programs: A UBD Approach. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Boston.
Eddy, J. (2008, October) Unpacking the Standards with Backward Design: Curriculum and performance assessment design for world languages. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association, Sturbridge.
Eddy, J. (2008, October) Needs Assessment for designing articulated K-12 language programs. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association, Sturbridge.
Eddy, J. (2007). From Coverage without pity to Performance: World Language Assessment exposed in the light of backward design. in R. Fry (Ed.) Languages: Connecting students with the world: Annual Series, No. 23. New York State Association of Foreign Languages. Buffalo: NYSAFLT.
Eddy, J. (2007). Children and Art: Uncovering cultural practices and perspectives through works of art in world language performance assessment. NNELL Journal. 12 (2), 19-23.
Eddy, J. (2007). Song Lyrics as Culturally Authentic Material for Standards-Based Performance. Hispania. 90 (1),142-146.
Eddy, J., Couet, R., Tollefson, A. (2007). Designing for Performance: A Guide for Action in Planning Language Programs. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. San Antonio, TX.
Eddy, J. (2006) Discover Languages through Song: Designing IPAs for Understanding. National Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Nashville, TN.
Eddy, J. (2006). Bridging the Language Assessment Gap: Theory and practice of Backward Design for developing performance-based curriculum and assessment in World Language Education. Five part series television broadcast. State of South Carolina. Columbia: ETV.
Eddy, J. (2006). The 5 Cs: Learning Language and Culture through performance. Big Ideas. Journal of Authentic Education. Spring.
Eddy, J. (2006). From the classroom: Transfer. Big Ideas. Journal of Authentic Education. Winter.
Eddy, J. (2006). Sonidos, Sabores, y Palabras. Boston: Heinle Cengage Publishers.